Machines that manipulate qubits, quantum computer, can do things that are impossible for a classical computer. Quantum computers are, theoretically, more powerful than classical computers could ever possibly be. Build a sufficiently large one and you can crack all the ciphers on the Internet; as a little game, you could listen in to any "secure" online transaction, crack the code and steal the credit-card numbers and personnal information that have been exchanged—something that is beyond the ken of the best supercomputers in the world.
Charles Seife, "Decoding the universe", Chapter 7
Yes, but can it tell whether this boy is cute or not?
4 réactions
1 De kheyliana - 30/08/2006, 17:30
I want the key of the universe !!!
2 De TarVal, au boulot - 30/08/2006, 17:32
I want smart computers...
3 De kliban - 30/08/2006, 19:02
De toute façon, on finira poar trouver des problèmes qui sont aux versions quantiques des algoritjmes ce que sont les problèmes NP-complets aux versions classiques. Ptêt bien d'dire si s'tigo lo frait point bander l'moine !
4 De myrtille - 30/08/2006, 23:56 suis fatiguée, mais fatiguée...